
World record super mario bros
World record super mario bros

world record super mario bros

something a human could pull off, as distinct from TAS). I don't know about the run shown in the OP, but there are a fair number of memory-manipulation/ACE speedruns that are feasible in RTA ("real-time attack", a.k.a. If you're interested in the topic, you might like the Super Mario World speed run that uses a similar technique ( ), or the recent work on removing randomness from Wind Waker runs ( ). So it's creating a whole new genre of runs that simply isn't about execution anymore. Third, the games themselves are understood better (as recently exemplified by the Super Mario 64 full reverse engineering). They now include better ways to track what's happening in memory. Second, the emulators available to the speed running community have evolved.

world record super mario bros

First, it's difficult to improve on the regular world records since they're so optimized (just have a look at Quake Done Quick and its sequels). Never expected this video to turn into a full on reverse engineering explanation.Īs a side note, this kind of speed run has become more popular in the recent years for a combination of reasons: I'm impressed the author went to recreate the run frame by frame, and then used those findings to analyze what was happening. My best time is I never beat it.Excellent video. Now I know there are all sorts of different speedrun records, but I feel like the one that matters most is the one played on an actual Nintendo console, with an original controller, and your brother has to trying to choke you out with the cord from his controller because he’s angry it isn’t his turn yet, and your mom should be yelling from downstairs that it’s time for dinner and if you aren’t down in one minute she’s taking the console away. So he’s basically 3/4’s of a second behind a computer executing the currently known fastest run possible. (in which button input can be added frame-by-frame for the game then executed by a computer) is 4:54.26. For reference, the tool-assisted speedrun record for Super Mario Bros. and many speculated a sub 4:55 may be humanly impossible, Twitch streamer Niftski has done it, setting a new world speedrun record with 4:54:948. Two years after a 4:55 speedrun was set for Super Mario Bros.

World record super mario bros