
Call of duty cold war reddit
Call of duty cold war reddit

call of duty cold war reddit

The SBMM system used in MW and (presumably) Black Ops Cold War is extremely demoralizing because first of all, it doesn’t tell you your rank, so basically, you don’t even know whether you’re good or not because all the players you’re going against are around the same skill level as you. I’m not saying remove SBMM so all the pros can stomp on noobs, I’m saying remove it so everybody can have a fun and varied experience instead of dying to M4’s and MP5’s every match. SBMM (skill-based matchmaking) does not belong in casual playlists, casual playlists are made for the average gamer who just wants to hop on for a couple of games and not sweat their balls off and use meta guns literally every match because if they don’t they’ll get punished because everybody’s a similar skill level.

call of duty cold war reddit

I’m just another above-average player that is burnt out by SBMM and not even able to play with his friends because they don’t want “sweaty lobbies.” Before anybody gets mad and downvotes me because I have a different viewpoint from them, read the full post and try and understand that I am not another pro player who’s annoyed at playing people the same skill level as me.

Call of duty cold war reddit